
The Life Center exists...

To honor and glorify God by obeying Jesus’ command to make disciples of all people groups. We accomplish this through our Mission and Core Values. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to get involved in any ministry. 

The Life Center

Our Ministries

We offer many different ministries for you to get involved and grow in the Lord. Contact us for more information on how to get involved!

Life Kidz

Our future is in our children. We have lots of events and activities for our kids, while teaching them about Jesus.

Truth Youth

This generation is faced with all kinds of worldly things. We offer a better way. Youth classes with age appropriate activities, makes for a safe environment.

Women's Ministry

Enjoy bible time and discussions with other women.

Men's Ministry

Our men get together for breakfast and have a great time in bible study. Enjoy fellowship with other brethren.


Enter into a corporate worship with all our church family. As we all come together and lift up the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jericho Outreach

Join us in global missions and reaching the world with the gospel.